ECSS2023 Second Announcement

The “Second Announcement and Call for Papers” has been published for the 11th European Conference on Severe Storms. The ECSS2023 will take place from 8 to 12 May 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.

ECSS2023 Second Announcement

The scope of the conference covers all aspects of severe convective storms.
Researchers, forecasters, risk and emergency managers, and others dealing
with severe storms from around the world are invited to submit contributions.

Abstract submission and registration for the conference are now possible here. The deadline for abstract submission is 12 January 2023.

In addition you might also be interested in other topics from our latest ESSL Newsletter:

ECSS2019 Conference Photo

Taken in the poster area during today’s morning coffee break, the official ECSS2019 Conference Photo is now available for download here:

ECSS2019 Conference Photo (photographer: Thomas Schreiner, ESSL. CC license: BY-SA)

It also has been published on the ECSS webage.

Countdown to ECSS2019

The full ECSS programme has been published and last preparations are being accomplished for a fruitful 10th edition of the European Conference on Severe Storms in Kraków, Poland, from 4 to 8 November 2019.

ECSS2019 webpage with travel information, online programme and PDF programme overview

See you soon in the very centre of Kraków!

New hail size table

For the ESWD work it is a common question: How can you best estimate and rate the hail size based on photo evidence. The most typical type of hail image is a photo of a person holding a hail stone in the hand.

Therefore the ESWD team around Thilo Kühne compiled a new hail size comparison table. It allows to estimate the hail size in centimeters based on different comparable objects.

ESWD reporting criteria page with new hail size table

ECSS Second Announcement

The Second Announcement and Call for Papers for the 10th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2019) has been published.

Details on registration and abstract submission can be found on our ECSS webpage:

Please note the abstract submission deadline: 24 April 2019

Our local organizing partner IMGW and the European Severe Storms Laboratory are looking forward to Kraków! The ECSS is supported by MunichRe, EUMETSAT and the European Meteorological Society EMS.

Castle of Kraków (c) Alois M. Holzer

Lifetime Achievement Nikolai Dotzek Award 2018 for Bob Davies-Jones

The ESSL awarded Dr. Robert Davies-Jones with the Nikolai Dotzek Award for his lifetime achievement. Bob Davies-Jones is the first European to receive this prestigious award, to be presented at the upcoming ECSS in Kraków, Poland, where also the regular 2019 Nikolai Dotzek Award will be given.

Bob Davies-Jones is one of the founders of the modern theoretical description of supercell thunderstorms. Although he is perhaps best known for his contributions on supercell and tornado dynamics, he also has advanced the field of large-scale dynamics and made numerous contributions on basic fluid physics (often centered on one of the most important quantities to analyze tornadoes: vorticity).

Read more here (PDF)

Dr. Robert Davies-Jones at the ECSS 2013 in Helsinki
(c) Paul Markowski