ESSL Travel Support
ESSL will support 5 people financially for their travel to the ECSS2023:
EUR 500.- travel support as a lump sum and in addition a waiver of the ECSS registration fee.
Travel support will be granted to applicants following these basic rules:
- Abstract submitted for the ECSS2023 via the regular system by the abstract submission deadline. Unfortunately, the abstract fee cannot be waived.
- Short curriculum vitae of the candidate …
and Motivation letter explaining in brief why support is needed …
… sent by the abstract submission deadline as PDF files to
The decision will be made by the ESSL Executive Board based on advice from the ECSS Scientific Programme Committee and again based on the most promising abstracts and the most plausible financial need. The decision will be communicated to the applicants by end of February 2023. The lump sum of EUR 500 will be transferred to the account of the awardees immediately after the conference. A receipt needs to be signed at the conference site. Full attendance of the conference is required.
In addition, the European Meteorological Society EMS thankfully supports the ECSS2023 with a Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA). Please find application details here. Also for the YSCA awardee the ECSS on-site registration fee will be waived by ESSL.
Thereby in total 6 persons can receive substantial travel support for the ECSS2023 via these schemes.
It may also be worthwile to ask your national meteorological society for student travel support.