

Conference on European Tornadoes and Severe Storms
Jean Dessens
Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées
Centre de Recherches Atmosphériques
65300 Campistrous, France

Docteur es-Sciences, Université de Paris VI, 1969.
Physicist at the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Université de Toulouse III.
Editor-in-Chief, Atmospheric Research, Elsevier Science.

Main research topics: Influence of ground roughness on tornadoes, climatology of tornadoes in France, severe convective weather in the context of a global warming, hailstorm studies and hail prevention.

wpe21F1.jpg (238140 bytes) Gérard De Moor
Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Météo-France
42, avenue Gaspard Coriolis
31057 Toulouse Cedex 01, France

Polytechnical School, Paris, 1968.
National School of Meteorology, Paris, 1971.

Presently deputy head of the National Center for Meteorological Research (CNRM), the Research Department of Météo-France.

Scientific and pedagogical interest : dynamical meteorology, turbulence, atmospheric boundary layer.

jts.JPG (39609 bytes) John T. Snow
College of Geosciences
The University of Oklahoma
Sarkeys Energy Center, Room 710
100 East Boyd Street
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-1008, U.S.A.

University of Oklahoma, College of Geosciences, Dean Appointed: 1994, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Weather Center Programs, Director Appointed: 1994, University of Oklahoma, College of Geosciences, School of Meteorology, Professor Appointed: 1994

B.S.E.E. Rose Polytechnic Institute 1968, M.S.E.E. Rose Polytechnic Institute 1969, Ph.D. Purdue University 1977

Expertise and Research Interests
Dynamics of geophysical columnar vortices ranging in scale from small dust devils to fire whirls, with a primary focus on tornadoes; application of laser-doppler velocimetry to laboratory measurements in experimental fluid mechanics; earth science education at all levels, K-12, undergraduate and graduate; meteorological measurements and instrumentation, especially surface-based instruments for weather observations; post-event analyses of tornadoes and tornado-producing thunderstorms (debris transport); experimental fluid mechanics as applied to atmospheric problems.


Updated 11/16/99